Well, so much for posting daily. Or posting every Monday-Wendnesday-Friday. After a few months of having no jobs, no money, and plenty of free time, I now have plenty of jobs, slightly more money, and no free time. By "plenty of jobs," I mean three jobs, by "slightly more money" I mean three low-paid part-time jobs, and by "no free time" I mean I have been working every weekday, evening, and weekend. The five-day work-week is for chumps!
I want a zero-day work-week, like this little asshole. |
So that explains the radio silence (for all my millions of adoring readers). But don't worry, I still want to keep you updated about Aurora awesomeness, Denver discoveries, and food fabulousness. I promise to only alliterate occasionally. One of the jobs is temporary and ends November 3rd (does that give you a hint about what sector the job is in?), so after that I'll have more time to post, and I'll give you a juicy exposé about what I learned in that line of work.
Coming soon: cast iron magic, libraries, and apartment complex nonsense!