Saturday, August 29, 2015

Things to Do In Aurora: 1. Prairie-Dog Watching

While Aurora is no cultural center like New Orleans or even Denver, it is hardly the suburban wasteland many seem to think it is. Sure, it's mostly strip malls, big-box stores, Chipotle's, apartment complexes, and sadness, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to do. So without further ado I present the first installment in the ongoing series, Things to Do in Aurora: Prairie-Dog Watching.

This is not a euphemism. I actually mean watching prairie dogs.

These guys. And no, I didn't take this picture, they wouldn't let me get this close.

Seriously. Next time you visit scenic Aurora, Colorado, take a close look at the grassy expanse that spreads before you as your car exits 225. You'll be surprised to find some local wildlife:

Pictured: cars driving down the off-ramp, oblivious to the adorable critters just yards away. See them?
The best viewing time for Aurora Off-Ramp Prairie Dogs is the late afternoon, around 3 or 4 pm. I walked over to this spot and stood around like a weirdo looking for signs of movement and listening for the little "peep" noises, and I wasn't disappointed (though I was, most likely, reported to the local mental hospitals by concerned drivers who wondered what the heck I was doing over there).

More stunning and impressive wildlife photography.

This is a prairie dog hole. You will notice there is no prairie dog in the hole, because they dart inside as soon as you get close. But there WAS one. I swear.

This prairie dog is just as concerned about my sanity as the passing motorists.
Ha! There we go. Bam. Prairie dog. Did you know that their tails move up and down when they make their "peep" noise? So cute. Also, apparently that noise is a warning call to the other prairie dogs. Something like, "hide yo kids, hide yo wife! Crazy lady with a cell phone camera."

This is what prairie dog terror sounds like. You're welcome.

So to recap, one thing you can do in Aurora is stalk furry creatures with a cell phone camera to make grainy videos. I highly recommend it. 

Next time on Things to Do in Aurora: 2. Mexican Popsicles!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry folks, I know the video's not working. I'll keep trying to fix it!
