Monday, August 31, 2015

Parks and Recreation Nation: Red Rocks

Welcome to a new series, Parks and Recreation Nation! Because Leslie Knope is my hero, public parks are awesome, and Colorado has about 5 billion of them.

City Parks. State Parks. National Parks. Mountain Parks (whatever that is). Colorado's got 'em all! As a new Coloradoan (Coloradoite? Coloradian?), I fully intend to visit as many parks as possible. And as a blogger, I fully intend to share with you (whether you like it or not!) the adventures, mistakes, and animal poop I encounter along the way.

First up: Red Rocks.

Is it a park? Is it a concert venue? Is it an open-air gym where insanely-fit people run up and down stairs?

This is not us. We were still adjusting to the altitude (we'd just moved to Colorado a week before), and the walk up from the parking lot had us breathing heavy already.
Yes. All of these things and more. Feast your eyes:

Sarah Lawson 2015
Ooooooh! Red stuff! And rocks!


This is from the top of the amphitheater. One day I will have a job and I will have money to go to a concert here. And then I still probably won't, because I'm cheap and there is a thing called Pandora.

So all in all, I highly recommend Red Rocks, whether for an event, to run stairs, or just to go on a walk.

Distance from Denver: day trip (15 miles west of Denver)
Know Before You Go: bring food and water so you don't have to buy it there (concert venue prices!), don't park at the first parking lot you see (there are closer ones, we were stupid), and check the concert schedule so you don't get there in the middle of a show and have to fight for a parking space with Taylor Swift fans suffering from altitude sickness and scream-induced laryngitis.
Things to do: hike, run up and down stairs like a maniac, get a beer, catch a show
Creature feature: lots of pet dogs
Plant highlight: cactus! I think this one is called a Cholla cactus:

Spiky, pink, and fabulous. Which is something to which I think we all aspire.
Next up on Parks and Recreation Nation: Cherry Creek State Park, the state park you can explore without even leaving Denver!

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